FEBRUARY 2024 :: Bria’s Ministry Update :: Every Nation Campus :: Fort Worth, Texas
One foot on the Campus
Our Super Bowl party was a success!
Members of our church family and students from Texas Christian University (TCU) and Dallas Baptist University (DBU) gathered at Pastor Alvin and Mallary’s home. It was an awesome opportunity for our students to invite new friends and for all of us to connect.

Our ENC student leader at TCU, Joya, just finished taking the girls through the WikiChurch Study Guide, which has continued to equip them as ministers of the Gospel on campus.
Not only that, but she is halfway through a series of classes required to get ENC recognized as an organization on campus. Things are slightly different on a private university campus, but God has given us so much favor with the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (RSL). We are excited to finish this part of the process in May.
Another part of becoming a university-recognized campus ministry is my application to be an approved Campus Minister. This would open many doors on campus, making me an official part of RSL, which involves my presence and training for campus pastoral care, campus crisis response, RSL events, membership on RSL leadership councils, and more. I’ll need to carry some special credentials, which means I will pursue a Master’s to enhance my ability to minister and make us office by fall. I am prayerfully considering programs.
One foot in the Community
Remember my prayer to be put in the path of those in our city looking for God?
Well, God allowed me to meet with a lady at a nearby coffee shop. The day we first met, I felt God giving me the boldness to share about Him with her.
Come to find out, she had been looking for God and trying to have a relationship with Him for a while, and she was praying for someone to show her how.
We ended up meeting again to talk more about how to read the Bible and pray, and God moved so much that she decided to give her life to Jesus right in that moment. We continue to meet and begin a Bible Study with other young women in our community.
I’ve also had the privilege of preaching at our church, Mosaic Church Fort Worth, during our 6-week series, Set Apart: A Biblical View of Holiness.
Check out the sermons Holiness Revealed and Holiness Lived and other Mosaic Church Fort Worth sermons on YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe so you’re notified about the next sermons and announcements.

Personal Updates

I adopted my dog, Tuffy! He makes life a little brighter, students on campus love meeting him and he loves belly rubs.
Prayer Requests
- For favor on TCU’s campus, as we are in the process of becoming a university-recognized campus ministry (with that, discernment in choosing a graduate program).
- For open doors and heart on campus and in the community.
- For my monthly partnership to increase by $1,000 / 10-15 partners.
- For boldness, wisdom, and courage.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR PARTNERING TO SEE STUDENTS’ LIVES CHANGED BY JESUS! If you need prayer, I would love to hear from and pray for you! Please text, call, or email.

Due to a system error, you may not have been receiving these updates on a regular basis. My dearest apologies for this. You should’ve received a text or two from me to confirm your most current email & to be sure you are receiving all the updates. Please send any updated info, if any – thanks for your patience!
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If you’d like to give by check, make it out to Every Nation Ministries with “Bria Lacour – 100353020” written in the memo line. Mail all checks to:
Every Nation Ministries
P.O. Box 1787
Brentwood, TN 37024